June 27, 2011

Loving Life!

Things are finally starting to look up for me pregnancy wise! Yes, today I actually woke up not feeling like I had to barf! It was amazing. Some other really good things is that I have a 2nd interview tomorrow for an amazing job opportunity. One downside to it is that I have to put my sweet Sophie Ann into daycare a couple times a week. Jared and I feel hesitant about this but we also feel it will be good for her to get some social interaction from children as well.

Some other awesome things happening right now ...I plan on taking prenatal yoga starting in July! Jared really believes it is time for me to get out every now and then to have some "Me" time...This is code for "Your driving me nuts"! haha...but seriously I think it will be fun. I used to normal yoga but obviously I can not do that anymore.

Now that sophie is approaching two (tear) I am trying to decide wether or not I should put her into one of three classes: Ballet, tumble tots, or swim classes. Jared wants to put her into soccer but has a hard time grasping that they really do not have a soccer class for two year olds :) lol

June 22, 2011

Still in Awe..

..of the magical thing happening in my belly.

I only hope that this pregnancy does not go like it did with Sophie. I am already labeled high-risk which means sadly I have to go to the Dr.'s a lot more than I would like too. I have already started this pregnancy off too a rough start with a lovely bladder infection needing to be followed by antibiotics. For those who know me I absolutely hate taking pills of any kind...especially while I am pregnant. My body really does not like being pregnant. Not only do I have the worlds rarest crazy uterus but with sophie we had an amniotic band. For those who are out of the dark in these two subjects I will inform what they are.

Amniotic Band- These form within the sac of the baby and can either not be that bad or can be fatal. It is usually a long string. Why so bad you ask? This long string can attach to the umbillical cord and cut off oxygen to the baby. Or! It can attach to the limb of the baby and cause growth to stop! Worst part is...their is nothing you can do about it..just sit back and watch...The dr was watching mine in the last couple weeks in case it attached as then it would be an emergency C-section.

Bicornuate Uterus- My uterus is literally almost cut into two. I almost have 2 uterus! This means if I did have 2 complete uterus that I could get pregnant while being pregnant! Crazy thought huh? Luckily I just have a almost cut in half uterus...sort of lucky. This causes IUGR, pre-mature labor, or breech babies. Sophie had a little IUGR. She weighed about almost 4 lbs when we left the hospital at full term...so I can not imagine having her any earlier.

As for me with this one (minus bladder infection) I feel pretty normally nauseous and crappy..I can not wait until the 2nd trimester

June 17, 2011

Almost July

I can not wait until July for a number of reason :)

1.) Sophie's birthday

2.) Our vacation to Seaside

3.) Almost out of the shity, nauseous, 1st trimester

I really believe a vacation is just what the doctor ordered for me and my family. I just hope it is beautiful and sunny when we get there..not rainy. As much as I love some rain..not on my vacation.

Sophie's birthday was going to be at the park but I really do not feel like competing with S.T.P. so we are going to do some good old fashioned chuckie Cheese.

I want to be done with the 1st trimester. It totally sucks chasing after a 2 year old all day and feeling like your going to hurl at the same time. I am not really a "pregant" person. If I could I would just race to the baby part..totally over it..

June 15, 2011

So it begins...

..the 2nd start to our little family.

We have a new baby due sometime in february 2012. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I am so excited to have a new baby in the house again. On the other hand it is sad to realize in a short time it will no longer just be us three. I think there is an obvious form of guilt whenever someone has their 2nd child as they worry how it will affect the first child. Will they feel left out? Will they be jealous? Will they get along? I am sure in due time all of these things will sort themselves out. As for the gender I would be happy with both. I would love to have a little boy as I do not have one..but I would be happy with another girl as they are so adorable. Who knows....we shall see :)

June 10, 2011

Last Name

Isn't she so pretty
Today has been a better day
The cats are fighting and clawing my couch to shreds...
..and instead of being angry...I giggle

Sophie is napping and I have some errands that need to be ran
as soon as Jared gets home..:)
I am excited for things to come
and apprehensive as well..

but aren't we all just a little bit apprehensive at times?
Officially changing my last name today...
I know I know..I procrastinate...
I will officially have my last name be Swehosky...


June 8, 2011

Stress Relief

There is something about a good candle

....or some yummy smelling scentsy

Anyways, I really enjoy candles (if you didn't get that already). There is something about that yummy smell in your house that makes you feel amazing and relaxed. Right now I am enjoying a pumpkin candle..

June 6, 2011

Blah, blah, Blah

I am so incredibly bored. I hate days where I just sit around waiting for 2pm to go to work. I can not go anywhere and I can not do much on days like these. I really wish we could go to the beach as it sounds like so much fun..or camping. Either way I need a vacation.

Sophie is finally potty trained and only cloth diapers at nap time and bed time. She is usually dry after nap but not after she wakes up in the morning. rome wasnt built in a day though.

June 2, 2011

Today was...


I got a lot done but I still feel soo exhausted and tired. My body is sore and I just want to relax..enjoy the cute pictures of my little darling

June 1, 2011

Backyard Renovations..slowly but surely...

Outlining the playground with square cement thingy's

Sort of After:
We are planning to plant grass seed where we added soil. Add more rock to playground

Pulled out the brush crap and plan to add a small deck with a possible firepit???
Lots of new flowers

More work to come tomorrow ::))))