August 7, 2013

Midwife Appt.

I had my midwife appt. yesterday and it went really well. We saw baby Freya and she is at the moment sideways and SOMETIMES head down so I'm keeping my fingers crossed she stays head down. It would truly suck if I had ANOTHER breech baby. My weight gain is surprisingly going well considering with both the other girls I gained WAY to much weight. We discussed emergency procedures for home birthing and it made  me feel more at ease with my decision (if everything continues to go well). I had no idea that midwifes actually carry certain drugs/instruments Dr.s do in case of an emergency. My midwife has been delivery babies for 30+ years and she feels very confident everything will go well. The only thing she worries about is if I have the baby before she gets there since I dilated very quickly with Sophie (1-10 in 45 minutes). I labored with Sophie in the hospital after my water broke for 10 hours and couldn't relax because I was having such a horrible time (craptastic hospital) that when I finally go the epidural 10 hours later I went from 1-10 centimeters in 45 minutes because my body was so relaxed finally. so she thinks since I will be home and more comfortable it will go quickly. So anyways...I am HALF WAY done! I don't enjoy pregnancy so I'm looking forward to this journey almost being complete in my life and being able to have my body back!

August 1, 2013

It has been a long time since I have made a blog post...

...I didn't even realize it!

Now is a better time I feel to give an update on our little family. As most of you know we have our THIRD girl getting ready to be welcomed into this world around Christmas. We have decided to name her "Freya Holiday". The middle name is special to us not only for the fact that she is being born around the BIGGEST holiday of the year but for other simple reasons <3 a="" and="" attempt="" been="" beginning="" care="" during="" have="" i="" known="" midwife="" my="" p="" prenatal="" seeing="" since="" the="" to="" vbac="" wanted="">

As most of you know little Violet (18 months now!! ) was born via cesarean due to her breech presentation. Most Dr.s hope that every child there after will be a RCS...which is known as a repeat c-section. They say this because of the .05% chance of your uterus rupturing if you attempt a vaginal birth, but the truth is that the risks for a RCS are MUCH higher than a VBAC. Hope you got all that terminology? ;)

Anyways, I have always wanted to do that but NOW I have decided to go bigger. Ready for some bigger terms? I have decided to attempt a HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean). I have been looking into it more and more and if my midwife is okay with it, and everything works out I will get to experience my very own homebirth. 

I know everyone has different feelings about this but when it comes down to it, these are feelings about my birth. I have to realize that my feelings are most important. I think it would be incredibly beautiful to experience this. Some of the reasons I would prefer to birth at home are:

1.) The hospital puts my anxiety into overdrive
2.) I have a higher chance of having a RCS if I attempt my VBAC at a hospital
3.) I like the idea of being comfortable in my own home
4.) I want to have a water birth

Now with that being said, I know ALL to well that birth plans can sometimes not go as you planned. So I plan to just go into this with an open mind!!! 

Ill update more as we move along in this process!!