November 30, 2010

What is Perfect?

I am so excited to finally be Jared's wife. It is a long time coming let me tell you. Since I was a little girl all I wanted was to find my prince charming and get married to him. That is my dream, call it corny if you will. When I first met Jared it felt like a breath of fresh air. I had been dating loser after loser and then he showed up. No one is perfect and I understand that everyone has their problems but that is one of the main reasons Jared and I work so well. We both appreciate each others downfalls and understand the faults as though they were our own.That is what I believe perfect is. I used to be so concerned with having everything perfect but now I understand that my life is what I make it. I don't care if we get married in a shoe box any more I just want to marry him. I look at Sophie and see the most amazing human being ever made and we did that. She brings both of our positives into one combined perfect example of love. I can't wait to be walking down that aisle and looking into the eyes of the man I will be spending the rest of my life with. I can not wait for more perfect examples to be brought into this world.

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