August 9, 2011

A bit addicted.. amazing discounts that have anything to do with babies!

Check out these websites if you want to see what I mean:

Anyways, I haven't post much in the way of updates pertaining to the family so thought I would do that today. Sophie is doing amazing as usual. She is a very smart girl who can already count. She is possibly the most energetic two year old I have ever met and at the end of the day I feel like I deserve a medal for chasing her around as much as I do. As sad as I am realizing she is growing out of her baby years, I am very happy to see her become more of a little girl. :) She got her first hair cut a week back and it made mommy a little teary eyed. I know she will be an amazing big sister and I am glad that soon she will have someone to play with.
-she was growling....

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