December 12, 2011

Note to self..

Christmas shopping with a 2 year old at 33 weeks pregnant is a BAD idea!

Yesterday we went to the mall and did our Christmas shopping. It was highly stressful because who LIKES christmas shopping? We came home and I noticed decreased fetal movements from baby Violet. Called my Dr. and decided to go to the hospital for a non-stress test just to make sure she was ok. When we arrived they checked my vitals like they normally do and discovered my blood pressure was high. This whole pregnancy my blood pressure has been nice in 108/68. It was 149/89 at the hospital.

They started the non stress test and of course Violet then started kicking and making me look like a looney toon. They think that maybe she finally turned head down and that is why I feel less movement. (Fingers crossed on that one). Then the Doctor came in and freaked me out. Told me he needed to get some blood and urine tests done because my blood pressure was at a rate where if I had pre-eclampsia I could possibly have seizures. He said if my blood came back toxic I would be admitted and possibly induced.

Waiting for those blood tests took forever. The one thing I have said to Jared time and time again was PLEASE dont let me develop pre-e with this pregnancy. It sounds scary. Luckily, everything came back normal so I was sent home to rest until I see my Dr. tomorrow. My blood pressure has gone down dramatically since I have left the hospital so I think I will blame christmas shopping for this one...

My only hope is that for the next couple weeks until I give birth my blood pressure stays down and I dont develop awful pre-eclampsia.

December 6, 2011

Chiropractic date set!

So after searching the yellowpages I finally found a Chiropractor that does the websters technique. I have an appt on the 16th a couple days before my dr appt so I really hope it works! This was recommended to me by my midwife/OB. I googled it and it looks so simple.

If it doesnt work Im going to go really far fetched and try accupuncture..doesnt hurt to try right?

December 3, 2011


We decorated our tree today and it was sort of enjoyable. Jared and I bickered about how to hang Christmas lights on a tree while the cats kept leaping up and taking ornaments off. Though, all in all we accomplished it and it is up!

I can not believe it is already December. This is the last full month before I give birth to baby Violet. She is due January 28th but because of space will probably be here earlier. Sophie was born at 37 1/2 weeks so that would put us at about January 12th. I am fine with that date...I just really dont want a Christmas baby. For one; I cant imagine not spending Christmas with my baby girl (Sophie) and for two I can't imagine this little one being screwed out of a birthday every year.

Her nursery is complete (minus some bedding)and I am really happy with it. I re-did a lamp (in pictures below), and put some neat pictures up. all we need left is too collect some more cloth diapers and not over do- it. I went to Carters the other day and got WAY more than she really needed but newborn clothes are SO adorable.
Anyways, enjoy the pics of the nursery :)

November 15, 2011

What I'm thankful for

With Thanksgiving approaching it brings me into a sort of loving feeling. Thanksgiving is the reason we all sit and take time to think about the things we are greatful for. Sure, I can say the obvious that Im greatful for my children and husband but I am greatful for so much more. I am greatful for a large family that would go above and beyond for me. I am greatful that I have a place to call home while others may not even have that. I think from time to time people get too caught up in "getting" rather than "giving" that the holidays become not what they used to be. When I was younger the things I remembered most about Thanksgiving and Christmas were playing board games with all of my cousins, decorating the tree, helping my mom bake delicious christmas treats. When I was younger my parents used to give us $20 to get everyone gifts for Christmas. I can remember going to my schools "christmas store" and finding the most beautiful plastic ring..that I just KNEW my mother would love it and have no idea it wasnt real. When she opened it she loved it..I want that with my children. I want the value of money to not matter to them...I want Christmas and the holidays to be about giving again. This season I will be working extra hard to remember ALL of the reasons I am grateful for my life and remember to not take any of it for granted. When you take things for granted you can lose out on the most precious gift of all..innocence.

November 11, 2011

Chocolate covered grahm crackers...

are delicious! I just devoured like three.

Anyways, not much going on in the Swehosky house. Things are calming down before the stress of the holidays and then Violet..hopefully in that order...
My family has been picking on me about having a Christmas baby as they know I seriously do not want that. With Jared already having a Thanksgiving birthday, I would really like a nice big gap between Christmas and Violet's birth. My sister is coming over for the holidays and is leaving January 5th, so she has already decided she will get this baby out before then. She and my mother explained that they would line the streets with candy bars in hopes that I can walk the baby out. They think if there is a candy bar at every block I will have more ambition..rude lol.

November 5, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester

Well we are on the home stretch now as we are finally in our 3rd trimester of pregnancy. In about 10 weeks little Violet will be here and we will become a family of 4! It still seems so surreal but we are now getting excited. The nursery is slowly coming together and it has been fun buying things I rememmber using just a little  over two years ago. The biggest thing for us was going through Sophie's clothes and finding the preemie jamies. It is hard to believe she fit in something so tiny at one fact she even had a bit of room. At our ultrasound we discovered just how cute little Violet is (not that we doubted it) she kept smiling from ear to ear in the was adorable.

November 2, 2011

Ultrasound Update

So for those who have been following I had a big ultrasound today to discover why I was measuring 5 weeks ahead. The reason could be nothing and it could be serious depending on a bunch of things. We wanted to go to the Ultrasound place within my doctors office but they couldn't get me in soon enough and sent me out to another place instead. They wanted to check for a couple things: 1) My cervical length because of uterus, 2.) My amniotic fluid levels, and 3.) baby's weight.

Baby could just be humungous and that could be the reason Im measuring so far along, but luckily baby was measuring spot on just like our little 5lb Sophie was, so we are expecting another little one. We then discovered little Violet is a footling breech, so unless she turns soon we might have to consider a c-section (which Im really hoping we dont have to do). My cervical length was checked....At my last cervical length check I measured 4.9 (5 days ago) this one I measured 3.1, so Im sure my doctor wont be happy about that as it could be a sign of preterm labor happening. Lastly, the checked my fluid and refused to tell me what it was which is suggesting to me that something in that department is wrong and I wont know until my doctors appt on Monday. The sort of freaked us out because they made us wait for 30 minutes will the consulted their on-call doctor about something. They said doctor may need to come in and explain something, but the doctor never did and just told us to follow up with my prenatal appt. on Monday.

So were a little freaked because we have a feeling something might be up with my fluid levels and I know my doctor is going to be unhappy about my cervical length. Being a stay at home mother, bedrest is not really an option. On the positive side, babies born after 28 weeks have a HUGE success rate in recovering fast so if worst come to worst we are 28 weeks this Saturday. Baby will have to go down to the hospital in Vancouver, Wa.....but ugghh Im just not thinking about that and hoping for the best.

October 31, 2011

Mommy & Me Giveaways!

I entered the mommy & me giveaway at

Hope I win!

False Advertisment

I am little dissapointed in a website called Nicki's Diapers. They gave false advertising in my opinion and I feel as if I was taken advantage of. I bought a pocket diaper from them and above all their pocket diapers were the words "FREE SHIPPING and FREE MICRO FLEECE INSERT (except Happy Heiny's)"

I bought a Rumparooz pocket diaper and did not receive my free insert. I called and the lady said that my diaper came with a insert. I said.."Yeah, because I purchased was a set". She informed me that pocket diapers that already come with an insert do not get the free micro fleece insert.

WOW..False advertising much

October 27, 2011

Stressful Doctors Appt.

I have had the doctors appt. from hell today. First, thanks to I-5 being backed up I missed my personal OB and got stuck with one that seemed to be way to bothered to answer any questions. As most of you knows Sophie was very small due to my bicornuate uterus..she weighed 5lbs13oz...not bad just small. Well the last couple appt.s my fundal height has been measuring big. 2 weeks ago I measured 3 weeks ahead and today I measured 5 weeks ahead. It freaked me out and asked her what that meant and she casually threw out that it could Polyhydraminos, our a big baby. Since my first was exceptionally small I figured it would be the Polyhydramino's. My blood sugars have been good as well so I doubt it is gestational diabetes. Anyways, I have my normal ultrasound scheduled on the 7th and apparently just get to wait it out until then. I tried to ask her a bunch of questions and she sort of half asses it and left me to Dr. Google. Polyhydramino's does not sound good. It basically means I have way too much amniotic fluid. This could be from the baby having something wrong with her or her kidneys not working properly. Im really pissed off that I get to just wait it out and find out later what is going on with my baby. I seriously feel sick and am pissed off that I can not just have a natural pregnancy like everyone else...

October 24, 2011


...instead of taking weekly pictures of my belly to track its growth..

..I want to take weekly pictures of my ass to track ITS growth..

October 18, 2011

I will repeat...

Why can't pregnant women crave vegetables and whole grains? I have often wondered if I can really count a bowl of chef boyardee as a serving of vege's for my day.

My poor husband hasn't had a wholesome home cooked meal in weeks because I simply do not want to eat healthy. I know it is better for baby that I eat better, but when it coems down to it nothing else sounds good. My food groups are the following: Mexican Food, Pizza, Chocolate, and chips.

I try to make up for my horrible dinners by eating super healthy breakfasts' and lunches. oh and taking my prenatal...

but when little Violet comes out looking like a pizza or weighing 12+ lbs I will have nobody to blame but myself...

So maybe tomorrow I will force feed myself some broccoli...

October 15, 2011

National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day

October 15th is pregnancy & infant loss remembrance day. Today we remember all the babies born sleeping, the ones we carried but never had the chance to meet, the precious babies we have held but didn't take home, or the one's that came home but never stayed long. Make this your status if you or someone you love has suffered the loss of a baby. Light a Candle @ 7pm to honor all lost babies.

October 12, 2011

Must Promote these!

The above link will take you to some AWESOME cloth diapers if you are or plan to use cloth on your babies bottom. I especially like this link for two reasons. These diapers are on sale this month! Secondly, most of the proceeds go to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

I just got mine in the mail and they are seriously too cute.

October 11, 2011

Baby Registry

For those who are interested my baby registry is at
You can search for it under Jared & Jessica Swehosky.
Thanks to all.

October 10, 2011


So the other day we carved Sophie's first pumpkin, one where she was actually able to help. We brought out the pumpkin and Sophie started calling it a tomato. We laughed and said, "Its a pumpkin", but she refuses to call it anything but a tomato. So we carved Sophie's first "Tomato".
Oh, and she actually ate pumpkin raw which I thought was super gross but she seemed to enjoy at. lol

Things have started to dwindle down in the pregnancy area. My cervical length checks are coming back great and baby looks great, so I am starting to feel more comfortable. I think I will luck out again and have a term baby again. Though, in all honesty I won't start feeling better until I am 28 weeks because if Violet was to come early she would have a very high chance of surviving and being healthy. Violet is definitely small again like Sophie so I want to keep her in as long as I can. Jared and I went up to St. Pete's to have a tour of the hospital again, and the nurses made me feel so much better. They have an awesome area for babies that are very jaundicy and small. One dissapointing thing is that our favorite pediatrician doesnt have privliges at St.Petes so we will have to have a hospital pediatrician while there and apparently they get a bit over concerned about small babies. We had to stay a day extra with Sophie and I didn't mind it, but this time now that we have Sophie I don;t want to be away from her for to long. :( So Jared and I are just going to hope for the best and hope for a 6lb baby at least.!!

October 5, 2011

Sometimes I write about..

...absolutely nothing. Actually, a majority of the time I write about a bunch of random things, but I find that someday it will be nice to look back and reminisce about days back when. I am getting exceptionally excited about the upcoming holidays but I think I have already covered my obsession with this. Today and yesterday have been super lazy days and I am fine with that. It is nice to just curl up on the couch while it is raining and watch re-runs of Caillou all day with little Sophie. These are the days I will remember.

So I have been trying to decide on what to have Sophie be for Halloween this year, and I think I'm going to go homemade. Thinking  I will make her a Halloween tutu (orange and black) and make her into a cute kitty or maybe a puppy since we did that last year. Ideas..ideas...

Well I love ending on cute pictures so here you go:

Wasn't she such a frickin cute baby!

October 3, 2011


For most of you who know me, you know that I am a holiday nut. Once October hits I have already busted out the Christmas music. I find that having Sophie definitely makes the holidays way more fun. For this month, we plan to take Sophie again to the Lattins Cider Mill's "Apple Festival" again. They do this the last weekend of September through October and it is a lot of fun for the kids. They can pick out their own pumpkin, go on hay rides, ride ponies, and see all of the animals. For the can eat their delicious food. :) I really want to do some serious baking but I don't want to be baked out before Christmas. So I might look into some Halloween themed baking items. Sophie has really shown a huge interest in cooking. She will stand there for the whole time I am cooking just watching. We might have a little chef on our hands. Speaking of Sophie..I think I will end on a pretty stinking cute picture of her.

September 27, 2011

Mariners Game

So we actually got out and had a little date night. We saw a Mariners game and even though they suck big time it was still fun.

September 21, 2011

I feel stuffed... a turkey.

I am at the uncomfortable point in my pregnancy. You know, the one where you discover that you are not one of the lucky one's who can still wear their jeans the whole nine months. No, you are the one who is (yet again) putting on your husbands sweat pants. You go on the internet to do some "internet shopping", and discover there is no possible way to justify spending $150.00 on a frickin maternity t-shirt. Yes I said it...$150.00! Heidi Kluhm, you are super hot but I dont think making maternity clothes at this rate is a steal. I can a buy a normal shirt at $ just because Im super fat now I need $120.00 extra worth of fabric. Shit.

Below is my latest belly shot....

September 20, 2011

Time Flies...

So far my pregnancy is going by very easy and managable. I can't complain too much. Now we are all just playing the waiting game for baby Violet.

September 6, 2011

I love how we get hot weather in September...

NOT! I should be enjoying hot cocoa and starting to see some leaves fall but no. This week is going to be filled with the weather we were supposed to get back in July when it was cold. I am kind of over it seeing as we have had the most bi-polar weather this year ever. Well, I am doing ranting about the weather.

Sophie is seriously cute I cannot even stand it. She (bless her heart) can't pronounce "Violet", so she calls her "Pirate..or Pilot" and then kisses my belly. We crack up though because Sophie is not used to mommy's tata's being so abnormaly large so sometimes she gets confused and tries to kiss them instead. It is really fun to see Sophie experiencing all of this with us. We both know it will be a big change when Violet actually gets here but I am sure she will be happy she has a little sister.

I pychopathically already have designed Violet's whole entire room. I don't want to give away too many designs but I will give you one clue..."It will be purple"! lol

September 2, 2011

It's A Girl!

*Welcome Violet Jane Swehosky*
Due January 28th, 2012

We are so happy that it is another little girl. We are excited and hope Sophie and Violet have an amazing sister relationship. It is kind of funny because I totally thought it was a boy (but deep down wanted another little girl), and Jared knew he was having another little baby girl all along. While in the ultrasound room Jared kept referring to violet as a him (to humor my so-called mothers intuition) and the ultrasound tech said, "Daddy, you better stop calling her a boy"!
Jared's face lit up and he almost burst into tears. It was so exciting to see him so happy. I am very happy as well...girls are so sweet. As an FYI..dont ever buy the Intelligender Test to predict was $40 and it completely wrong lol ;).
All in all, we are so happy to be having another little girl and now I want to go out and buy a ton of purple crap...

August 29, 2011

Sophie is talking!

Our little Sophie is talking up a storm lately. Jared and I tried to count how many words she knew and it was close to 100 words! I can not believe how big my little girl is getting, seems like just yesterday she was 5 lbs. Yesterday, we enjoyed a fun day at the Lattin's Cider Mill. sophie went around to every animal and made all of the noises associated with that animal. Her favorite animal is a cow and all of us crack up when she attempts her deep "Moo" noise. Aside from that, we are just trying to enjoy our last couple months with just her. We feel this is an important time to make her feel really special before her little sister/brother gets here. We know she will be an amazing big sister, but we also know that new territory can cause some jealousy. All in all we are just going to hope for the best.

Sophie watching Caillou...she freaks out if I don't put it on first thing in the morning lol

August 25, 2011

Can it be?

Sophie just pooped on the big girl potty!!!!!

We thru a huge party and are going to celebrate with milkshakes and fries. Lets hope this continues and we are completely done with pooping during nap time! :)

August 23, 2011

Home Stuff Part 2!

So today I did a super awesome wall art piece. I will explain it step by step:

Step #1: Went to Goodwill and bought all of these frames for $25

Step #2: Painted half of them blue and half of them brown

Step #3: Hung them beautifully :)

Redoing Livingroom Pictures

So we have been working on redoing the living room. We decided to paint the living room walls brown and add blue's to the color scheme. We still have some more work on the wall decorations, but this is what we have so far!

August 18, 2011

They are here!!!

Finally after almost a month Sophie's shoes came in the mail. I ordered them off of
This website gives amazing daily deals for kids, babies, and moms. It is all brand name stuff with a HUGE percentage taken off of them. Everything is limited and it takes forever to get to you..but so worth. Sophie's shoes were normally like $60.00 on their website and I got them for $23.00 (including shipping and handling). If you decide to sign up and look..use my name as who referred you (Jessica Swehosky)

Anyways, here are the adorable shoes :)

August 11, 2011

Im super excited about..

..these adorable diapers that were on sale! I love Bumgenius and have gotten nothing but rave reviews about these dipaers. I bought two adorable ones today and can not wait to put them on my new babies tush!

August 9, 2011

A bit addicted.. amazing discounts that have anything to do with babies!

Check out these websites if you want to see what I mean:

Anyways, I haven't post much in the way of updates pertaining to the family so thought I would do that today. Sophie is doing amazing as usual. She is a very smart girl who can already count. She is possibly the most energetic two year old I have ever met and at the end of the day I feel like I deserve a medal for chasing her around as much as I do. As sad as I am realizing she is growing out of her baby years, I am very happy to see her become more of a little girl. :) She got her first hair cut a week back and it made mommy a little teary eyed. I know she will be an amazing big sister and I am glad that soon she will have someone to play with.
-she was growling....

August 6, 2011

15 Weeks!

I really enjoy tracking my progress with the pregnancy and to see the difference in the belly bump. Anyways, i am officially 15 weeks today and it seems like it is going increasingly slow until I find out the gender. Not much new to post. I crave side salads and orange juice, and I have no morning sickness/nausea what-so-ever!

August 2, 2011

Funny morning pics!

She never opens her eyes lol

Two is better than one?

Im starting to doubt this a bit. lol
No, I am very excited for baby number two, I have just become a bit overwhelmed with somethings I am needing. For instance, I need a double jogging stroller. This can not be compromised. Jared and I walk/run almost everyday and I can not do this with a four wheel stroller. Second problem. I own sort of a hatchback type car, so the norm for double jogging strollers will not fit into either of Jared and I's cars!!!!! :(
So I found this awesome stroller that fits my needs:
.....until I discovered it came to almost $500. :( Why can't there be a double jogging stroller out there that folds down amazingly and only costs up to $300? Im finding it amusing that the thing I am going to have to spend the most amount of money on is a stroller lol. Went and looked at REI and just about shat myself seeing some strollers costing as much as $1000.00! a bit ridiculous...just saying

July 21, 2011

Vegan Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe

I have decided to start baking healthier. From time to time I have even considered becoming vegan if it wasn't for the simple fact I love cheese. Anyways, I have come across a delicious vegan peanut butter cookie recipe in which I thought I should share. Enjoy!

Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

2 cups whole wheat flour (or spelt)
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup natural peanut butter
3/4 tsp kosher salt
3/4 cups of honey (or maple syrup)
1.5 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup almond milk (or coconut milk)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 350'. Mix dry ingredients in bowl. Mix wet ingredients in seperate bowl. Add dry ingredients slowly to wet ingredients. Bake for 11 minutes.

Yields 26 cookies

July 19, 2011

2nd Trimester

Well in about 4 days I will officially be in my 2nd trimester. This pregnancy has been a breeze compared to Sophie which really makes me ponder if it is a boy? I had a good couple of weeks of extreme nausea and maybe I throwed up twice, but then out of the blue it all went away. :) No more nausea, no throwing up. One downfall is that we are waiting for our master bathroom to be built this summer so in the mean time (at 3 am) I have to walk my happy butt all the way downstairs to pee. :( I really would be happy with either gender as I (obviously) love little girls, and I don't have a boy yet so that would be fun, but Im really thinking this is a boy. Sadly, I have to wait until the beginning of September, maybe end of August to find out what little dot is. In the mean time, here is my belly at almost 13 weeks. Enjoy!

July 11, 2011

July July

Today started out a bit scary. I didn't feel right and borrowed my mothers glucometer and found my blood sugar was 39. I have always been a bit hypoglycemic but apparently this pregnancy makes it worse.
Other than that I had a great doctors visit today and feel better.

Sophie is officially two...and it makes me sad but happy. She is finally becoming a big girl now and we get to watch her grow.

June 27, 2011

Loving Life!

Things are finally starting to look up for me pregnancy wise! Yes, today I actually woke up not feeling like I had to barf! It was amazing. Some other really good things is that I have a 2nd interview tomorrow for an amazing job opportunity. One downside to it is that I have to put my sweet Sophie Ann into daycare a couple times a week. Jared and I feel hesitant about this but we also feel it will be good for her to get some social interaction from children as well.

Some other awesome things happening right now ...I plan on taking prenatal yoga starting in July! Jared really believes it is time for me to get out every now and then to have some "Me" time...This is code for "Your driving me nuts"! haha...but seriously I think it will be fun. I used to normal yoga but obviously I can not do that anymore.

Now that sophie is approaching two (tear) I am trying to decide wether or not I should put her into one of three classes: Ballet, tumble tots, or swim classes. Jared wants to put her into soccer but has a hard time grasping that they really do not have a soccer class for two year olds :) lol

June 22, 2011

Still in Awe..

..of the magical thing happening in my belly.

I only hope that this pregnancy does not go like it did with Sophie. I am already labeled high-risk which means sadly I have to go to the Dr.'s a lot more than I would like too. I have already started this pregnancy off too a rough start with a lovely bladder infection needing to be followed by antibiotics. For those who know me I absolutely hate taking pills of any kind...especially while I am pregnant. My body really does not like being pregnant. Not only do I have the worlds rarest crazy uterus but with sophie we had an amniotic band. For those who are out of the dark in these two subjects I will inform what they are.

Amniotic Band- These form within the sac of the baby and can either not be that bad or can be fatal. It is usually a long string. Why so bad you ask? This long string can attach to the umbillical cord and cut off oxygen to the baby. Or! It can attach to the limb of the baby and cause growth to stop! Worst part is...their is nothing you can do about it..just sit back and watch...The dr was watching mine in the last couple weeks in case it attached as then it would be an emergency C-section.

Bicornuate Uterus- My uterus is literally almost cut into two. I almost have 2 uterus! This means if I did have 2 complete uterus that I could get pregnant while being pregnant! Crazy thought huh? Luckily I just have a almost cut in half uterus...sort of lucky. This causes IUGR, pre-mature labor, or breech babies. Sophie had a little IUGR. She weighed about almost 4 lbs when we left the hospital at full I can not imagine having her any earlier.

As for me with this one (minus bladder infection) I feel pretty normally nauseous and crappy..I can not wait until the 2nd trimester

June 17, 2011

Almost July

I can not wait until July for a number of reason :)

1.) Sophie's birthday

2.) Our vacation to Seaside

3.) Almost out of the shity, nauseous, 1st trimester

I really believe a vacation is just what the doctor ordered for me and my family. I just hope it is beautiful and sunny when we get there..not rainy. As much as I love some rain..not on my vacation.

Sophie's birthday was going to be at the park but I really do not feel like competing with S.T.P. so we are going to do some good old fashioned chuckie Cheese.

I want to be done with the 1st trimester. It totally sucks chasing after a 2 year old all day and feeling like your going to hurl at the same time. I am not really a "pregant" person. If I could I would just race to the baby part..totally over it..

June 15, 2011

So it begins...

..the 2nd start to our little family.

We have a new baby due sometime in february 2012. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I am so excited to have a new baby in the house again. On the other hand it is sad to realize in a short time it will no longer just be us three. I think there is an obvious form of guilt whenever someone has their 2nd child as they worry how it will affect the first child. Will they feel left out? Will they be jealous? Will they get along? I am sure in due time all of these things will sort themselves out. As for the gender I would be happy with both. I would love to have a little boy as I do not have one..but I would be happy with another girl as they are so adorable. Who knows....we shall see :)

June 10, 2011

Last Name

Isn't she so pretty
Today has been a better day
The cats are fighting and clawing my couch to shreds...
..and instead of being angry...I giggle

Sophie is napping and I have some errands that need to be ran
as soon as Jared gets home..:)
I am excited for things to come
and apprehensive as well..

but aren't we all just a little bit apprehensive at times?
Officially changing my last name today...
I know I know..I procrastinate...
I will officially have my last name be Swehosky...


June 8, 2011

Stress Relief

There is something about a good candle

....or some yummy smelling scentsy

Anyways, I really enjoy candles (if you didn't get that already). There is something about that yummy smell in your house that makes you feel amazing and relaxed. Right now I am enjoying a pumpkin candle..

June 6, 2011

Blah, blah, Blah

I am so incredibly bored. I hate days where I just sit around waiting for 2pm to go to work. I can not go anywhere and I can not do much on days like these. I really wish we could go to the beach as it sounds like so much fun..or camping. Either way I need a vacation.

Sophie is finally potty trained and only cloth diapers at nap time and bed time. She is usually dry after nap but not after she wakes up in the morning. rome wasnt built in a day though.

June 2, 2011

Today was...


I got a lot done but I still feel soo exhausted and tired. My body is sore and I just want to relax..enjoy the cute pictures of my little darling

June 1, 2011

Backyard Renovations..slowly but surely...

Outlining the playground with square cement thingy's

Sort of After:
We are planning to plant grass seed where we added soil. Add more rock to playground

Pulled out the brush crap and plan to add a small deck with a possible firepit???
Lots of new flowers

More work to come tomorrow ::))))

May 30, 2011

I really don't like to clean.. house. END

Though, everytime I rarely do it I feel really great afterwards. If only I could have the motiviation to clean it more often than ti wouldnt take half as long to clean it. Oh, the things we know but still end up procrastinating anyways. Well I thought I would post a very delicious recipe I have made a couple times and will be making tonight. It is not the healthiest of my recipes but it is super delicious.
Homemade Chicken Strips :)

Homemade Chicken Strips

1 cup of ranch dressing
1 1/2 cup of flour
1 lb of chicken cut in strips
3 teaspoons of Lawry's seasoning
1 teaspoon Cayane Pepper
1 cup (or more) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Soak your chicken strips in a bowl with your 1 cup of ranch dressing for about 20 minutes

After this is done, pour olive oil into frying pan and heat on medium until it is super hot and boiling

In seperate bowl add flour, Lawry's Seasoning, Cayanne pepper

Add ranch to dry mixture and mix with fork (will not mix perfect and isnt meant too.

1 at a time coat each chicken strip in batter

pour in fryer and cook until golden brown all the way around

May 29, 2011

My mind is a million miles a minute...

...or some sort of saying that sounds like that.

Tons of boring things on my mind:

1.) How to make grape ice cream

2.) Should I try BumGenius Cloth on Sophie for night time and naps?

3.) I am super bloated..just saying

4.) This daycare I hope to start in Octoberish...

May 26, 2011

A Fairytale

I feel like I am living a fairytale right now. I married my best friend..I have a beautiful daughter..and a wonderful life with supportive family and friends. It seems like just yesterday I was a young girl all alone in Oregon thinking I would never find true love. A year of ordering domino's and watching redbox movies finally paid off when I ran into the love of my life one day. I am so happy to start my life. :)

Super happy and in love

May 24, 2011

Mrs. Swehosky

I am so happy to announce that Jared and I eloped on May 23rd, 2011. I am officially Mrs. Swehosky.