January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

2012 was one of my favorite years as our gorgeous baby Violet was born in it. Im sad its gone but Im looking forward to 2013. A LOT of awesome things are coming our way. First off, if everything goes well I should be starting my IBCLC program in Portland this Spring. It has been really hard being patient and having to wait longer than I thought to go but Im sure in the end it will be all worth it. I have a family and wont be able to go full time but once again I can be patient because this IS my dream job.

Another thing we are looking forward to is Violet's first Birthday. It is CRAZY to think it has already been a year. It feels like just yesterday we were experiencing that snow storm when we went in to have her. She came in with a bang and has been our little sweetheart ever since. There are definitely more babies in store for us but currently Im just looking forward to enojoying our two girls and focusing on FINISHING my degree!

We are thinking about putting Sophie in some sort of activity outside the home. We tried ballet awhile ago but she was so rambuncous we took her out. She is mroe calm now so we are rethinking that again..or swimming lessons. We just want her to be able to have something special all her own and get some of that 3 year old energy out at the same time.

Jared is still in school working on his Bachelors in Sociology. He has about another year left but he is getting closer! I feel like everything is starting to fall into place and if we play our cards right we COULD be looking into getting our own home in a year or two. We will also probably be moving out of Lewis County but nothing is for certain. We have had plans for a LONG time to move up to Olympia as soon as we finished school. I would love to get a job at the hospital and Jared would have SO many more work options up there. but again...in a year or two...Im patient.

Lastly, this year I really want to focus on my health. Last year after the baby I was so busy being a motehr of two that I ate out..a lot. I dont want to subject my family to that type of lifestyle so I plan to make more meals at home and be more healthy. We recently got a gym membership and it was a great idea. We both get a break from the kids (haha) and get to work out at the same time.

Happy 2013!


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