September 2, 2011

It's A Girl!

*Welcome Violet Jane Swehosky*
Due January 28th, 2012

We are so happy that it is another little girl. We are excited and hope Sophie and Violet have an amazing sister relationship. It is kind of funny because I totally thought it was a boy (but deep down wanted another little girl), and Jared knew he was having another little baby girl all along. While in the ultrasound room Jared kept referring to violet as a him (to humor my so-called mothers intuition) and the ultrasound tech said, "Daddy, you better stop calling her a boy"!
Jared's face lit up and he almost burst into tears. It was so exciting to see him so happy. I am very happy as well...girls are so sweet. As an FYI..dont ever buy the Intelligender Test to predict was $40 and it completely wrong lol ;).
All in all, we are so happy to be having another little girl and now I want to go out and buy a ton of purple crap...

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